Unanswered questions flow through my brain,
Why was it you I ask, to keep my sanity I must refrain.
For some it’s a penny found,
On a table, in the car, or just on the ground.
A cardinal perched upon the branch just outside the window,
Brings a sad smile hoping that it is so.
Having lost someone so close and so special brings a tremendous amount of grief,
We seek, search & scour for any sign of relief.
Our love for our lost ones has no bounds,
We hope and pray, that your soul peace it has found.
I search constantly for a sign, looking into thin air,
Clinging to the hope that you are there.
Teary-eyed, I think I may clearly see,
The signs that you have so gifted me.
Every time I put pen in hand,
You give me words, so that others may understand.
Father of Nicholas Jordan Di Marco
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